October 30, 2007


This isn't
a recent picture
of me->
Today is my b-day. I am VERY happy. I got a pair of pants, a shirt, earings, a necklace, lip balm,a Jonas Brothers CD, and a High School Musical 2 CD. They are awesome. Last night the beehive leaders came and decorated my house for my b-day (Oct. 30) Yay Me!!

October 28, 2007

Tomarrow is LINDSEY'S B-DAY!!! I figured I'd give her a day and a half of birthday-tism before my b-day. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSEY! FYI: lindsey's b-day is on oct. 29, just incase you didn't know. I don't have a picture of you like I do with Alicia, so that's why everything is colorful! (Sorry if I spelled tomarrow wrong.)

October 25, 2007

The Music In Me

So, I was just listening to HSM2 songs, and I've chosen my favorites:
  • Fabulous
  • Work This Out
  • You Are The Music In Me (Gabriella & Troy)
  • You Are The Music In Me (Sharpay version)
  • All For One

The ones that I really HATE are:

  • Bet On It
  • Gotta go My Own Way

The ones in the middle are:

  • What Time Is It
  • Everyday
  • I Don't Dance
  • And any other songs I missed

So, I just thought I should tell you that. Bye!

October 20, 2007

Alicia Won

Since Alicia's the only one who did the poll, I'm writing this post about her. Once, she Googled her name, and found out she had died in a car accident a few years ago. Then she found that mean story about her. Just a week ago she found that story. She put it on her blog. It was really funny. That's pretty much all you need to know about her. She dead and some weirdo hates her. This didn't really come out the nice way I planned, so I'll try again.
Alicia is my big sister. She has brown hair and blue green eyes. She yells at me sometimes but I still love her. She is funny, especially her laugh. Her favorite color is red,or purple, ans she is scared of a song, but I don't remember which one. Her smile is big and she can dance. And sing. That's Alicia.
And so Lindsey doesn't feel left out, here's Lindsey.
Lindsey is my big sister. She has blond hair and blue-green eyes eyes. She calls me Turd-Face sometimes, but I still love her. She is funny, especially when she isn't trying. Her favorite color is turquoise and i don't think she's scared of any songs. Her smile is big and she can sing. And dance. That's Lindsey.

October 19, 2007


There's only 20 hrs left to vote! So, vote! It is just for fun! So far Peach is the only one who's voted! IT BUGS ME HORRIBLY!!!!

October 18, 2007

With great sadness, (or not much with) I have removed the page element "Just for fun". I alredy have a picture, and it was just cluttering up the space. And in other news there is only one day left for the poll. And I was bored when I wrote the previous post, so that's why it's wierd.
I just felt like writing something today. So here it goes. SOMETHING. I feel better now. Have a nice day!

October 15, 2007


So, today I got to babysit Kyle Bryson! He was a little cranky at first, and he cried when his mom left, but he was so cute! He came in holding his blanket with his binky in his mouth and he was wearing sunglasses! So then, mom calmed him down and I turned on PBS Kids and he started going through the bucket of toys we got ready yesterday and then he was happy! But while we coloring, he colored his arm blue. So I took him into the bathroom to wash him up. So i got a rag wet,well actually it was a tissue,and pet soap on it. We have the kind of soap that has the beady things in it, so while I was wiping it off he grabbed his arm and started laughing! Then, he started licking his arm. I said," No, no, no!" but he just laughed and licked his arm again. Shortly after, his mom came back and gave me $5.00! It wasn't as much as I usually get, but Kyle is cute, so I'm still happy. I even nicknamed him Smile-Kyle, because of his smiley-ness. Oh! and I ate cereal with him. He didn't want to leave. (If you didn't know, this happened at my house!) For more information on how to babysit go to http://www.homestarrunner.com/tgs13.html

October 13, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Alicia! Sorry that took so long. I've been busy. Alicia's b-day was on Oct 10th. TTFN ( If you aren't a fan of Tigger, that means:Ta-Ta For Now:)

October 03, 2007

Bet'cha Can't Guess!

I bet you can't guess who my art teacher is!If anyone gets the right answer, I'll know you cheated! P.S.- Leave a comment before you leave. I like to read!