well since im such a nice person and don't want to ruin my sister's life, here is girl's camp!
we left on thursday and when we got there we went to our cabin, unpacked, decorated. our cabin moms went to the ramada and got our skit bags. then when they got back, we worked on our skits. our skit bag had an umrella, 44 DD bra, a rattle from the d-backs (old colors), bubbles, a spiderman bag, a mickey mouse hat, a magic eight ball, a barbie head, and another hat. then we had classes (my classes that day were sports 1, Cert1, and Crafts 1) and snacks. then D.E.A.R. time. then a cabin mom meeting(most ppl did secret sistrs at this time) then flag, dinner, capers, and ward pictures. then an evening program (i forget wat it was) dessert, cabin devotionals. then night night time. but a lot of ppl (like me for example) pranked the cabin, or at least tried to.
Thoughts on Life
8 years ago