October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday...

to me! and happy late birthday to my two wonderful female siblings!
here is what i have recieved today:
guitar (acoustic, ibanez, electronic tuner)
a book that teaches you how to play the guitar
a sweatshirt
and a bunch of stuff from my friends at school (pictures and stuff. i was supposed to get a birthday shout-out on the announcements because my friends made one but they didn't say it on the announcements!)
plus, my mom mopped the kitchen floor in my honor =)

and here are my early b-day presents:
twilight shirt
"Team Edward" pin

maybe, if you guys are lucky, ill post some pictures on. ;D
but anyways, now i'm 13. a teenager. i get to be a brat now and throw fits if i don't get my way!

October 22, 2008

really, people! i just don't get what's so great about him!

before anyone says anything about me being an "ignorant hater", i am not a hater. i just disagree and don't see how anyone could think these things are really ok in the first place. and before anyone says anything about "people should take iq quizzes before they vote to keep out the stupids", you're stupid for saying that! if it was up to you, only people who want the same president as you would be allowed to vote! i'm not even old enough to vote! i can't even believe i got sucked into this whole political thing! this is the first time i've ever really cared! but here's what bothers me about, yes, obama.

  • he's for abortion! thats horrible! its killing a child, which is murder!!! if murder is against the law, why would abortion be ok? i feel thats a double-standard. and he is also for late-abortion. thats even worse! the child is already born! do you know how many people would kill themselves for that child? its like me going up to a five-year-old and killing them because "i wanted my life to be like it was before the child entered my life" or because "i don't like children" plus, alot of the people who have had abortions regret it.

  • gay marriage. i'm not against gays, i just don't really think they should be gay. like, i don't hate them as a person or anything, i just don't like that they are gay. know what i mean? and if youre for gay marriage and thats the only reason youre voting for obama, you can vote for mccain then just vote no on prop 102 or something. i know you guys will argue "but people should be able to choose what makes them happy!" and i understand that. but marriage between a man and a women is ordained of God. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Adam and Eve. if He wanted it that way He would have made it that way.

  • he lies. like, all the time. i would never be able to trust him.

  • he wants to "spread the wealth" what kind of poo is that? (please excuse my word choice) i just think that is ridiculous! people should learn how to work! i mean, sure some people would have it off "better" as someone i know put it. so what?

If obama (no, i will not capitalize his name) wins, i seriously think the world will end in 2012 when the second coming happens. cuz everything will be all chaos. and no these are not the only reasons, i just wanted to stop and thank everyone for getting me hooked onto all this stupid political stuff. i would be angrier at you but hate is bad, and this election is the difference between life(McCain) and death(obama) to me. now, goodbye while i go and eat some dinner.

October 16, 2008

I am VERY upset

i just am very upset by some things.
first of all, everywhere i look, there is someone fighting with someone else over who should win the election. i know people have different opinions on things, but why the screaming? and whats with the whole "haters" thing? i'm not very old (like SOME people ;D) but i've heard and seen many examples of "haters" in my life, which most of the time is someone who hates someone else. not someone who disagrees with someone else's ideas and thoughts and ways of life! (yes, those two things are very different) i find some of this stuff in everything i do, and everywhere i go. (school, tv, on the computer, even in books, gosh! is no where safe from these endless haters?) but i just realized something, wouldn't someone who is calling someone a hater, BE A HATER?!? they are hating on the haters, who in most cases, aren't even haters! but i just don't get why they must be there. so you disagree with someone, so what? just calm down and have a nice, non-violent discussion. or something like that. a lot of my friends want obama to win. i don't. one actually asked me to move to canada with her if mcCain won. i politely refused her offer btw. i don't hate obama, i just don't think he would be a good pres. in fact, i don't really want obama OR mcCain to win. but not voting (even though i'm not old enuf to vote yet, but if i could) would be one vote for the wrong guy. ok but anyways. JUST STOP SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER EVERY TIME THE STUPID ELECTION COMES UP IN A CONVERSATION! I KNOW I'M SCREAMING NOW, BUT I'M A CHILD AND IT FRUSTRATES ME THAT PEOPLE CAN'T JUST BE FRIENDLY ABOUT IMPORTANT STUFF LIKE THIS! DID YOU EVER THINK MAYBE THINGS WOULD GO NICER WITHOUT THE CONSTANT FIGHTING?
also, people think that because i'm a child, i don't know anything! even tho most of the time i repeat to people what they've said to me. people just don't hear sometimes how stupid they sound. (like how stupid i'm sounding now, except i know i'm sounding stupid) i bet half the time, people just say things because they want to sound like they know whats going on, not because they are really concerned with important stuff.
speaking of important, here a list of what i want for my bday (jk jk i just wanted to remind everyone thats its getting very close)
but anyways, in my opinion, just stop calling everyone a hater who disagrees with you and be prepared to be called a hater yourself. and DON'T just start talking about politics to hear yourself talk or watch someone scream. if you did, well that just wouldn't be very nice now, would it?
and i don't think that this post turned out very well, but i really do just wanna smack people sometimes and be like "stop! think! then talk! better?" but most of the time i'm not very violent. but doesn't anyone care that this hurts me? technically, i'm still a child! do you people enjoying hurting children? no? then re-think about some things, go through the facts and opinions on stuff. (if you are one of the people who said yes {i know your out there!} then shame on you!)
ok but ya, pretty much this post stinks and i probably shouldn't have said anything, but if i didn't my head would explode. this isn't exactly how i feel of (yes, of!) things, but i let my felings out the best i could. you know what? just pretend i never said anything. there, isn't that better? besides, a lot of people have talked about this stuff and you don't need a child's point of view bothering yours, right?